lunes, 19 de mayo de 2014

Zetina Otero Hugo Hiroshi

Zetina Otero Hugo Hiroshi


Journey to the Center of the Earth
is a classic 1864 science fiction novel by Jules Verne. The story involves German professor Otto Lidenbrock who believes there are volcanic tubes going toward the centre of the Earth. He, his nephew Axel, and their guide Hans descend into the Icelandic volcano Snæfellsjökull, encountering many adventures, including prehistoric animals and natural hazards, before eventually coming to the surface again in southern Italy, at the Stromboli volcano.

From a scientific point of view, this story has not aged quite as well as other Verne stories, since most of his ideas about what the interior of the Earth contains have since been disproved, but it still manages to captivate audiences when regarded as a classic fantasy novel.


Super Smash Bros

the new "super smash bros" for nintendo 3ds is the next installment from Masahiro Sakurai on the saga from nintendo´s video games.
the game includes new characters from the nintendo´s saga for example "greninja" this new character it´s a pokemon from the new´s pokemon version pokemon "X" and pokemon "Y". other new character is "Villager" from the saga of "animal crossing" this is the first character to announced nintendo for the new "super smash bros".
The game belongs to the genre of fighting, being also a crossover of many and varied characters from various Nintendo franchises, these being the series of Mario, Donkey Kong, The Legend of Zelda, Kirby, Yoshi's Island, Star Fox, Pokémon, Metroid, F-Zero and EarthBound. In games played from 2 to 4 characters, whether human beings or controlled by the console itself (CPU) and competing in an open stage where if the limits are exceeded, a life is lost or a point

lunes, 12 de mayo de 2014

Salgado Santana Luis Angel

Activity.- Speaking "How to play the guitar"

Hello everyone my name is Angel, and this day I will give a brief introduction on the guitar and some simple aspects of this.  
Now see the name of each string, each of these corresponds to a number and a note, let´s see. 
We started the account with the thinner rope, so, 1-E, 2-B, 3-G, 4-D, 5-A, 6-E, or also 
Mi,Si, Sol Re, La, Mi.
So Now Let's see, here we have something called frets that is where we can create different sounds and tones, each of which is a number starting from the top down, but if we play the open string is a 0, then we have,and so on  but when we play a set of strings at the same time get two things, one of them is something basic guitar chord , but in this case the electric guitar have something known as RIFF , which is a set of sounds created by touching several strings at once , for example, a chord can create a touching riff starting sequence number in a tone overall, but a classic riff is playing the strings in a position invented by those who make it sound good like this
Finally some guitar techniques such as: slide (slide your finger to another position after touching the rope), double ( or take the rope down) and vibrato ( like your finger or hand shake and drag the rope).

domingo, 11 de mayo de 2014

Cortés Salgado Marco Antonio


Recipe for hot cakes:

Hello, good morning.

Today, I will teach them to you friends, a very difficult recipe, teach them to cook pancakes.
The ingredients that are going to take are:

  • Two cups of hot cake flour
  • Two cups of milk
  • Two eggs without shell
  • Three tablespoons of melted butter
  • And strawberry jam (optional)

First we must add the two cups of flour in a bowl, then add two eggs, then add two cups of milk and finally add three tablespoons of butter.
Let medley ingredients to form a smooth dough.

Let's pour a tablespoon with dough in a pan, preheated and greased with butter.
When the surface is full of bubbles, turn the hot cake, wait a few seconds and you're ready to eat.
Serves, decorate and enjoy a delicious family time, or eat it by yourself.
Well my friends, that's all for today, bye.

Salgado Santana Luis Angel


"Preguntale a Alicia" or "Try asking Alicia" 
Citing narrative this book talks about a teenage girl with no more problems than usual in his age: this unhappy with their physical and obsessed by the lack of popularity among peers. But she lives it with intense suffering. Only finds solace in writing his intimate diary. 

When someone finally invited to a party discovers that drugs allow you to overcome inhibitions and apparently their relationship difficulties. Thus began a journey into the hell of diction, chaired by double trouble: the failure to produce his attempts to disengage and that originates from the blatant incomprehension of his family, who never gets to understand the scope of the tragedy Alice is living.

Ask him to alicia is based on an authentic daily of a young only fifteen years who becomes addicted to drugs. It is not a definitive statement about the world of adolescent drug of the middle class, nor offers any solution. However, there is a specific and highly personal chronicle. So at one point you usually feel identified with this person, it's happened to us all feel alone, empty, misunderstood by others, and here in this story speaks well to what you spend and think about moments like this. So that I can say that I sometimes get me the book and would like to be someone who is able to help Alicia.
Alcántara Nájera Francisco Javier

Alexis Isaí Cabrera Blancas                                                                                                               6IM4


Cortés Salgado Marco Antonio


This novel is very interesting, because the action of the story set in New Orleans during a hurricane that struck this city, its main character is called Holly, an eleven year old go to a mall with their parents, completely ignoring what is about to happen. His parents die trapped in the mall and while the girl desperately looking for, someone who looks at her. She has been chosen to save the earth from the terrible end awaits him. Around the girl will be three characters, two protect you and the other want to end it, they are:
" Marie", she is an FBI agent with a terrible and traumatic childhood. During a car accident, she leaves unharmed and with amnesia but with a terrifying power. 
" Burgh Kassam", belongs to the " Foundation " where human experiments are done to supposedly get something like immortality, but for now all they are getting is a list of dead horribly murdered.
"Walls", he is an archaeologist able to enter the mind. But this in turn can change the thinking of the person that is introduced has a role that is slowly gaining more importance as the novel progresses.
This novel keeps you on the edge from the first pages and not let your guard down for any momentum and reading is fun and full of action, fantasy and horror. Don't recommend for sensitive readers, but I recommend it for horror lovers.